Monday 13 June 2011

Do not pack on the pounds with the alcohol!

Do not pack on the pounds with the alcohol!

Airports, planes and hotels are the best friend of a drinker. When you're surrounded by alcohol, and they definitely are in these places, it becomes harder to resist temptation. I have seen the business traveler in a business suit for drinking until early morning, then continue with your day. The airlines have very little (if any) restrictions on serving alcohol and there is no set times for drinking on planes. While you can pay for it, alcohol is available for purchase.

When you fly first class or work, alcohol is freely allowed (nearly encouraged) to drink the beverage of your choice. Go to your hotel is not likely to be a mini-bar filled with small alcohol is remove the border, or even a bar in the lobby.

Of course the problem with all this drinking is that alcohol is metabolized as fat. * One drink extra here and there, you can easily add a week, one month and one year. In fact alcohol is one of the biggest culprits in the problems of the weight gain versus business travelers.

Besides being almost immediately turned to fat, studies have shown that alcohol stimulates hunger. Evidence suggests that this is due in part to affect the alcohol in certain hormones, including leptin (discussed above in relation to sleep deprivation), so you feel less full. You are, once again, while noting physiologically hungry and eat more!

Unfortunately the environment a business traveler is imbued with the temptation to drink. I had to take a look at my own habits in this area as I found out he was giving me permission to drink more heavily than it had done in the past. This is a common syndrome - stress and the physical challenges of regular business trips make it easy to justify a therapy some wine. The real problem is, however, that "only one or two" can quickly become a daily routine that packs invisible calories and unwanted pounds.

Some might argue that it is possible to eat, drink, even poorly on a temporary basis, then return to a healthy diet habits when you get home. Remember, however, the lowest percent of its life is spent at home, if you are a real business traveler. Therefore, having the time to be home to compensate for any damage caused when you are away is very unrealistic. And you can be sure that the weight gain, either slowly and steadily, and at one time, harms their health. When it comes to drinking, moderation, as always, is key.

Reference: Alcohol is metabolized by the liver and subsequently to metabolic degradation and excretion of excess lipids or fats.

The unique post is on Health Fitness Weight loss

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Kanza Khan
With best Wishes & Regards

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