Monday 13 June 2011

Why Chart your progress can be very useful

Why Chart your progress can be very useful

You know the feeling that they are working out of your diet or exercise program - and somehow it feels like you're running in circles without getting anywhere?

I think the reason for many failures in the diet and weight loss is the failure to maintain a good record of our achievements.

Did you notice, after the initial euphoria of having lost some weight, you soon forget to write if and how they are progressing in your health? Losing weight is not just about shedding the pounds, which is about feeling better about ourselves, about his feeling healthy, it is to achieve a goal we set.

So what is wrong?

Not all that much really - it's just that our busy lifestyle take over and we forget to pat ourselves on the back! And that is the most important! How often do you assure that their children are doing well? How often do you say to your partner, your parents, your friends the good things of applause up? And how often do the same thing yourself? To tell the truth?

And here it is, changing something in your life, regardless of their diet or exercise plan and do not keep track of what happens - you may lose all the little (but important) steps on the road - and are the make it all worthwhile. Recognizing that is ultimately what will keep you on track!

You may go a week without losing a pound - but could have increased the walking distance every day this week - you may have managed to control alcohol altogether during this time - that's no reason to feel happy about yourself ? Is it not a pat on the back of your own?

At the bottom of your heart of hearts you know just how you feel about an achievement - and very often we shrug our victories inside small, but important, very dull and not validated as they are! These are victories!

Do not forget that! Write them down - make a chart, write a blog - and be sure to check back often and read about your trip!

While the backdrops are important - in writing why you might get an idea of ​​why they are happening - and only when you know what, can you change it!

Be honest with yourself - do not judge too harshly - but not mollycoddle either. You are a grown person - responsible for their own lives - to take responsibility and be proud of what they are - and write - just for yourself - make a plan and stick to it until you have a good valid reason for change - and then write down the change as well.

The unique post is on Health Fitness Weight loss

d copyright, 2011. Share it, but link back to this blog.
Kanza Khan
With best Wishes & Regards

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