Monday 13 June 2011

ten tips for planning your weight loss goals

ten tips for planning your weight loss goals

1. Customize your goals: Set goals within the limits and capabilities, taking into account its limitations. You must also take into account their level of physical, motivational factors and the time available for the implementation of its objectives. Adjust your expectations accordingly to situations for better results.

2. Set achievable and realistic goals: It is very important to set realistic goals. Plan a process of gradual weight loss, no rush. You could lose almost a pound during the first week, which is good progress. Pat your back on this achievement and take gradual steps ahead. Realistic goals tend to bear fruit.

3. Process for better results: Process goals for best results. Exercise regularly, weigh, eat well and make the necessary changes as required. Your goal should be well planned and processed for best results.

4. Make a Comprehensive Plan: Take the short term and long term goals in mind. While short-term foals will be kept busy on a regular, long-term goals will keep you motivated in recent years. These targets would act as a first step on your path to success.

5. Record Highlights: When you are planning your weight loss goal, always remember to write down important points. How, when and why questions must be answered. What you need to do, how it will achieve its objectives and what the process should be carefully observed.

6. Choose your time: The time allotted can also make a big difference in the success or failure of your weight loss plan. Choose the date you take the first step to losing weight. There is no quick way to lose weight, but what will happen in due time. Please note the time difference as well, such as holidays, the demands of school, etc.

7. Take Baby Steps: When you begin, always take baby steps. Small steps to ensure better results. Do not enter into force anything, it could prove to be a cumbersome task.

8. Be prepared for setbacks: Setbacks can occur at any time, be prepared for these changes. Identify potential problems and plan specific strategies accordingly.

9. Monitor and evaluate: All your steps and progress must be monitored and evaluated carefully to ensure that you towards your goal.

10. The reevaluation must be: always keep an option for the reassessment of its goals. The changes can be introduced at any time during the process of losing weight

The unique post is on Health Fitness Weight loss

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Kanza Khan
With best Wishes & Regards

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