Sunday 12 June 2011

Six meals a day

Six meals a day

Why should I eat 6 meals a day? 

Many people wonder why eating every few hours, especially if I'm trying to lose weight. In this article I will share what to eat this way is so important for a healthy lifestyle while trying to lose weight, gain weight or just get healthier. AFFA certified personal trainer as I have heard many reasons, but this is what counts.

The first reason to eat six meals a day and probably the most important for someone trying to lose weight is to increase your BMR (basal metabolic rate). This is important for weight loss because it has no calories to digest food. And losing weight is to burn all the calories you take in. By eating six small meals a day in a continuous digestion of food. This will increase the metabolic rate of witches improve calorie expenditure during the day. Now I do not think that just because you have to eat six meals a day means you can eat foods that do nothing good for you. You still have to eat a good meal well balanced to ensure that the body is getting the nutrients it needs.

The second reason to eat six meals a day is to keep blood sugar levels stable. This reason is probably one of the most sought after by the average person. Most food is broken down at least somewhere in sugar called glucose. Now, glucose is a major source of energy in your body. It is especially important in brain function. One of the most recognized sources of glucose are carbohydrates. Now there are two types of carbohydrates simple and complex. Those who stay away from carbohydrates are simple, as it is converted to glucose more quickly than complex carbohydrates. This will make your peak blood sugar quickly. When blood sugar is high, your body will store fat. On the other hand, when blood sugar is low, your body will also store fat. Therefore, it is important to eat six meals a day well-balanced to maintain a stable blood sugar so your body does not store fat. This is also why diets that entirely exclude carbohydrates work for a short while, but then see the results shortly thereafter. To completely eliminate the forces of carbohydrates the body to use another fuel source, such as fat. After your body adjusts to it start to begin to store fat, as is often the only source available. You will also have poor brain function as glucose is the primary source of energy for your brain.

Here are some other tips that go along with eating six meals a day. Try to eat an hour of waking. As his body has not had a source of food in about 6-8 hours. This will prevent the starvation response kicks in. Eat a balanced diet and a 60% protein, 20% carbohydrate 20% fat. If you eat
a meal near the bed of your body only stores a large amount of unused calories as fat.

The unique post is on Health Fitness Weight loss

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Kanza Khan
With best Wishes & Regards

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