Monday 13 June 2011

Getting rid of compulsive overeating

Getting rid of compulsive overeating

"I know how to lose weight, but I can not. I can eat without even thinking about it. I am a compulsive eater, an emotional eater like me feels like to deal with everything. How do I stop overeating?"

Sound familiar? This is a concern that women share with me almost every week. compulsive overeating is one of the most frustrating challenges that women face when working to create peace with food (or adjustment in their tight jeans.) compulsive eating feels out of control.

Fortunately, there is a step by step process that will help you get back in the driver's seat with food and weight. It will not create immediate results, but faithfully followed, not only show you how to stop overeating, you're likely to feel more effective in your life.

1. To break free from compulsive eating, you'll have to climb into the driver's seat. This means taking the wheel and keep your eyes on the road and be present when making decisions about food and when you put the food in your mouth. What does it look? It is to be one hundred percent today to eat. What you eat. No multitasking. Do not watch TV or read a book or catch up on email. If you want to retrieve the power of food, must be present and in command. Want more incentive? Research shows that conscious eaters tend to be more satisfied and eat less.

2. Know your personal consumption and causes emotional overeating. What are the situations or emotions that tend to cause overeating? Are there times when you usually get food without even thinking about it? They are shooting situations and play an important role to keep trapped in cycles of binge eating. Identifying your shooting situations can anticipate them and create an alternative plan of action or prepare the tools and strategies that will help you be effective when the going gets tough. Be aware of your emotional eating and overeating causes allows your office without food.

3. Once you consciously sit in the driver's seat with a roadmap for its excess causes, is essential to know their fate. Women who are struggling with compulsive overeating often make the mistake of focusing on what NOT to do. "I will not overeat." "I will not eat dessert." "I'm not ..."

It is useful to know what you do not want to do, but even more important to know what you want. How does their behavior will be different to make peace with food that is working very hard? If not already done so, it is essential to create a clear picture of your goal. What do you eat? What do you do when the urge to binge strikes of chocolate? How do you see yourself managing stressful situations that used to cause overeating?

The unique post is on Health Fitness Weight loss

d copyright, 2011. Share it, but link back to this blog.
Kanza Khan
With best Wishes & Regards

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